
The Launch of the Annual Heathfield Networking Evening

By 12/02/2015 No Comments

On 12 February the LVI and UVI Form set off after school to the Lansdowne Club in Mayfair. In the elegant surroundings, the evening was launched by our Chair of Governors, Mr Steven Bishop.

Rosie Stancer (née Clayton, Heathfield 1971-1976), Polar Explorer and Heathfield Old Girl, was our key speaker for the evening and her speech was incredible. She was inspiring and motivating, and listening to the stories from her trips was fascinating. Perseverance, drive and passion were fundamental in her achieving her goals. We all came away inspired.

The girls mingled and Miss Meeson and Karen Hurt (née Assaf, Heathfield 1975-1980) made sure to keep the introductions flowing. Old Girls were able to impart career advice and answer questions, and girls were able to learn first-hand from successful women. It was wonderful to see our talented Old Girls helping and inspiring others and giving back to the next generation. Providing mentors and role models, and assisting with work experience or advice is vital help to the girls for their confidence as well as skills.

The girls spoke with Old Girls on careers ranging from medicine, PR, fashion and interior design.

‘I thought the evening was a great success. I thought Rosie Stancer spoke brilliantly and I thought her stories and life experience were captivating’. Kitty Alexander (Heathfield 2008-2013)

This should be a permanent fixture on the calendar! ….I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed it and think this is a wonderful idea’ Harriet Mallinson (Heathfield 1989-1996)

Thank you to Karen Hurt with all her help in the organisation of the evening.