
A Summer’s Day at Heathfield

By 22/06/2014 No Comments

Summer's Day Whilst the Summer’s Day fete was taking place there was heated competition on the tennis courts as 16 families battled for the annual Family Tennis tournament title, where the Nicholls family proved victorious for the second consecutive year. The fields were a hive of activity with girls and staff alongside their families enjoying the hog roast, Pimms hut, face painting and henna, bouncy castles, tombola plus the chocolate fountain and sweet stalls. Many of the families and staff had bought along their dogs to have a go at the dog agility course, which proved extremely popular. The Summer’s Day fete raised an impressive £2841.40 which will be donated to the Paediatric Oncology Unit at Southampton Hospital. Thanks must go to everyone who made donations for the event and to all the staff and girls involved in making it such a huge success. Special thanks must go to Liz Pointon, Director of Boarding, for the huge amount of time effort and dedication she put into the event.