
Global Canvas Winners

By 03/05/2024 No Comments

Global Canvas children’s art competition is an annual international art contest run by David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, to encourage creativity from young people, to display thought and concern for our planet’s environment and the incredible wildlife that inhabits it.  

Heathfield School Art Club were the Winners of the Group Entry in the 11-16 age category, competing against schools and clubs from around the world. The judges were impressed with the scale and detail of the work, which was a diorama of a moonlit oak forest, and Heathfield ‘s creative interpretation of the theme of ‘The Barometer of Life’, referencing the ‘Red List’ of endangered species, developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Congratulations to Millie, Zana, Antonia, Stella, Molly, Dani, Olivia, Emma, Lara, Chloe, Veronika and Kristina in creating such an outstanding piece of art.