Heathfield has a reputation for exceptional pastoral care and this is something we take very seriously. All students have a team of staff around them, ensuring they are looked after and supported to achieve their absolute best. Their Form Tutor, Head of Year, Boarding staff and the Deputy Head (Pastoral & Boarding) all monitor their academic progress, while ensuring they engage fully with all the school has to offer. They will oversee their co-curricular commitments, help co-ordinate their additional lessons, sport practices, clubs and activities, while keeping a close eye to make sure they are not over committed and have enough time to spend on their prep and academic work.
Alongside the Housemistresses and the Health Centre, we have wrap-around care for each and every girl ensuring every girl is supported appropriately and fulfils her potential.
When girls need even more support on a personal level, there is a counsellor available two evenings a week along with an independent listener. Our Flourishing at School programme allows us to identify problems early on and to ensure appropriate support is in place at a very early stage.