
Salter’s Chemistry Festival

By 06/05/2015 No Comments

We arrived very early and firstly completed a very challenging crossword sheet given to us. After half an hour of looking around the Chemistry building we went to the lecture theatre where we were told what we were going to be doing for the rest of the science-packed day.

After the talk we went into one of the many Chemistry labs where we would be spending two hours trying to solve a murder case by testing different samples of unknown solutions to find out who had committed the murder. There were two sets of experiments which we did in pairs: Chromatography and sample testing. With half an hour left we completed our investigation with a neat forensic report.

In the afternoon we returned to the lab for another investigation. The scenario was that a meteorite had fallen onto the campus and we needed to find out the unknown metal by testing different metals and comparing them to the original meteorite metal. It was a challenging experiment because we were given so little sample or information.

After all these experiments we went back to the lecture theatre for a fun lecture of explosions and fun demonstrations.

Hermione, Form II Pupil