Uncategorized House Swimming Within the Lower School, Floria (Form I) from Seacole House dominated the individual races by…Heathfield24/03/2014
Uncategorized Georgie Runs the Richmond Half Marathon Luckily for me my training paid off and I completed the race in a time…Heathfield24/03/2014
Uncategorized Fifield Girls’ Interschool Arena Tournament Both Heathfield Red and Heathfield Blue had never played together as teams before Sunday and…Heathfield23/03/2014
Uncategorized Somerville Weekend, 22nd and 23rd March 2014 In addition girls took part in English revision sessions with Mr Pithers whilst the GCSE…Heathfield23/03/2014
Uncategorized LAMDA, Music and Fashion Show The orchestra opened the concert with Ode to Joy followed by the Form I ballerinas…Heathfield21/03/2014
Academic Biology A Level Field Trip Having been introduced to our tutor Andy and settled into our room, we went to…Heathfield14/03/2014
Uncategorized Randy Mayfield Visits Heathfield Mr Mayfield led Heathfield’s Chapel with the song God Is So Good; in which he…Heathfield12/03/2014
Uncategorized GCSE Drama Practical Examination Just in case you don’t know, the story takes the form of a ‘whodunnit’ and…Heathfield12/03/2014
Drama AS and A Level Drama and Theatre Studies Practical Examinations At AS the candidates are expected to perform a script of their choice in a…Heathfield10/03/2014
Uncategorized Form I Visit to Rushall Farm Cliff, the Education Officer, was ready and waiting in anticipation, as he rates our Heathfield…Heathfield10/03/2014
Uncategorized European Youth Parliament The girls had been chosen to oppose the motion on European Union Fisheries Reform and,…Heathfield10/03/2014
Uncategorized Woodley Music Festival It was a long evening but certainly a rewarding one as we took home a…Heathfield09/03/2014
Uncategorized HPA Quiz Night Our wonderful Quiz Master again provided a cryptic and challenging set of questions which brought…Heathfield07/03/2014
Uncategorized World Book Day An array of literary characters sprung from their pages and into school corridors with Lewis…Heathfield06/03/2014
Event Ash Wednesday The intention is to remember that just as the crowd who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem…Heathfield05/03/2014
Uncategorized National Schools Lacrosse The U15 team also found themselves against tough opposition and lost to Caterham, Haberdashers Monmouth…Heathfield05/03/2014
Academic Classics Lecture, Homer’s Odyssey Subjects ranged from the structure of the poem to the role of the female characters…Heathfield04/03/2014
Trips Barcelona Trip The girls were challenged to look carefully, to show curiosity and ask questions, to develop…Heathfield04/03/2014
Uncategorized Polo Success at Longdole The senior team fought hard despite tough competition and were thrilled to be placed third…Heathfield03/03/2014
Uncategorized Staff Music Concert The concert started off with a violin concerto performed by Janet Liepa, the Form V…Heathfield03/03/2014