
POLECON Economic Conference for A Level students

By 06/11/2023 No Comments

The POLECON Conference was an invaluable experience for our Upper Sixth A Level students as they were introduced to the real world of Economics and the many current issues faced by the UK government.

On Tuesday 31 October the Economics and Business A Level students went on a trip to the POLECON Conference in London. The day was filled was engaging talks from a range of speakers including Labour MP Rt Hon. Hilary Benn and economist Vicky Pryce. It was interesting to hear their views on controversial subjects such as government spending, Brexit and Northern Ireland. A particularly informative talk was given by Mark Littlewood concerning credit and government spending which gave us lots of statistics that we are able to use in our exams. Professor Kate Raworth who was another particularly engaging speaker, introduced us to the main concepts of her book Doughnut Economics, in which she argues that no country is developed which also had significant links for the geography students. Overall, the day was fascinating and we enjoyed hearing from an array of experts.  

C O’Brien, Upper Sixth student