
HPA Quiz Night

By 07/03/2014 No Comments

HPA, Heathfield Parents Association, Fundraising, Quiz night, staff vs parents, winnersOur wonderful Quiz Master again provided a cryptic and challenging set of questions which brought out the competitive streak in us all!  Mrs Heywood’s table was pipped to the winning post by the other staff table by just four points, so congratulations to the winning team Valner’s Vixens. The only consolation to the defeated parents is the reassurance that at least the brain boxes on the staff tables must be teaching our girls something!

I would like to personally thank the HPA committee members who pulled tables together and especially those who so kindly donated raffle and auction items. The money raised will go towards enhancing Heathfield’s sporting facilities.

A huge thank you to all those who attended and let’s strive to make it even bigger and better next year.


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