
Heathfield Highflyers and Staff Awards

By 28/03/2014 No Comments

The following Heathfield Highflyers awards were presented to:

Science Faculty
Boots, Sophia, Amber and Mercedes (all Form I, Austen) for their Maths project on Thorpe Park where the girls in Forms I-III were challenged to take part in a FUNctional Maths activity during the last two weeks of term to celebrate the variety of applications the subject has in different professions. The girls had to design a theme park within a budget and make a presentation to convince investors they should lend them the money to get it started. The Highflyers award winners opted to make their own website for the project, called Bams Burger.

Humanities Faculty
Sophie (Form IV) for her piece of English lyrical writing.
Arielle (Form II) who gained full marks in a Geography Project on a underdeveloped country.
Anna (Form IV) for producing an outstanding revision resource made entirely in her own time.

Creative Faculty
Billie (Form LVI) for producing an outstanding History of Art essay which gained a grade A.
Sophie (Form LVI) for creating an impressive art book.

Congratulations must also go to Elinor (Form V) who was awarded the Mary Grant Cup for making the most of her talents, showing determination and resilience as well as being cheerful and compassionate.


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