
GCSE Drama Practical Examination

By 12/03/2014 No Comments

GCSE Drama Production, Drawing Room, Performance, ActingJust in case you don’t know, the story takes the form of a ‘whodunnit’ and tells of Arthur Birling, a prosperous manufacturer in the early 1900s who is holding a dinner party to celebrate his daughter’s engagement to the son of a local business rival. The evening is interrupted by the arrival of a Police Inspector who tells that a young, working-class girl has died after swallowing some disinfectant, and then proceeds to implicate them all in the events that built up to her suicide. The play fitted the theme because of its subject matter and also through the contrast between the characters’ attitudes and responses to the events.

The six Form V girls worked extremely hard on the piece which was performed in front of an external examiner, somewhat unusually but very fittingly, in the Drawing Room and those of us who were lucky enough to see it found it a very tense, fast paced and extremely effective production. Again, big congratulations to all involved.