
Form I Independent Learning Project

By 13/06/2014 No Comments

Form I, Independent Learning Project Mrs Frost delivered a wonderful 15 minute masterclass on marketing and Mr Moore inspired the girls with a 15 minute masterclass on inventing. The girls only had one day to develop their product and then present to the Dragons, Mrs Heywood, Mrs Furniss-Roe, Mrs de Ferrer and Liz Pointon. Ideas included a food spray that changes the taste of your meal, for example making Brussels sprouts taste like chocolate, and a super-pen that meets all of your stationery needs! Mrs Heywood particularly liked the idea of the HLC tracking app so that the school would know exactly where the girls are whilst out on trips. The winning team was Amber, Tansy and Ana with their idea of a Heathfield Electronic Calendar watch, which could alert girls to be on time for all of their lessons. The Dragons felt that this group in particular demonstrated excellent team work and had a created a solution to a real-life problem. Well done to all the girls and the staff for their help and support!