
Fellowship Day 2014

By 18/05/2014 No Comments

Hollie Shaper Lourie, Ambassador for the 1994 year group wrote: “Fellowship Day 2014 was a huge success! As the Class of 1994, this year marks 20 years since leaving school, so it was wonderful to have as many of us as possible back together at Heathfield.  Old friends travelled from overseas and all over the country for our reunion, and what a lovely day it was! The sun shone and from the moment we all saw each other, conversation and laughter flowed. It was such a well-planned day: a delicious lunch with the Worrall Thompsons, a beautiful service in Chapel and terrific performances in St Mary’s Theatre. After walking down the hallways and seeing our old dorms, which brought back so many memories, it was great to talk over a lovely tea. We were all impressed with how the school has evolved over the years while still retaining the essence that makes it so special.  Many of us Old Girls are still close, and for others it was the perfect chance to reconnect. A brilliant day – thank you Heathfield.”

Hollie Shaper Lourie, Ambassador 1994