
Creative Arts Private View

By 04/06/2015 No Comments

The GCSE students exhibited upstairs in the Art block and the AS/A2 Art, Photography Textiles and Graphic students’ work was displayed in the Assembly Hall. So many teachers have remarked on how exciting this year’s exhibition was both upstairs and downstairs. There was more variety in the sizes, shapes and techniques used than ever before. The skills seemed stronger too. Many parents, prep school heads and teachers came to see the work and were very impressed by the variety and individuality.

It gives so much pleasure to see how the girls’ work matures. They start their courses with uncertainty and trepidation then gradually become confident in their ability to think creatively, analyse, adjust and finally realise they have the creative process at their fingertips and know how to adapt the skills they have learned. They can also articulate their intentions so well and this adds interest to the art work. I find it very encouraging that the girls engage with issues that concern the world we live in, whether this is to do with beauty, technology, environment, religion or other social issues that seem to affect us all.

Our thanks once again to Catering for the delicious refreshments.