The first weekend of October saw Form IV embark on their Assessed Expedition for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Following a briefing by the Assessor, the girls set off...
We are delighted to learn about the successes of our 2015 leavers… …who embarked on their course at their first choice of university in 2015 and have graduated earlier this...
We were delighted to welcome back Kitty, who graduated from Sixth Form this summer, to help launch this years’ Tycoon Enterprise Competition. Tycoon is a unique national enterprise competition for...
The Careers and Outreach department Speaker Programme began with Heathfield old girl Philomena Poetis, who flew in from Munich to talk about From Music to Entrepreneurship. Philomena was excited about...
It was smiles all round today at Heathfield with all students exceeding their predicted aspirational targets… …100% of our students achieved A*-C / 9-6 grades in Maths and English Language,...
We are delighted to announce that despite the new, more demanding, examinations, grades have significantly improved on last year… …with 32% of students achieving A*-A and over two thirds (70%)...
The BBO challenges and stimulates students with an interest in Biology… expand and extend their talents. It enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and to be suitably rewarded with publicly...
The Junior Maths Challenge is a national competition taken by Form I and II students… each school. Congratulations to the girls on their great results! Rachel (Form I) –...
Independent Schools Inspectorate, February 2018. Heathfield School has been awarded ‘excellent’ in all areas by the Independent Schools Inspectorate. The inspectors found that at Heathfield School: “the overall achievement of the pupils...
Heathfield are in the Top 50 Girls’ Boarding School League table of Top Independent Schools by A Level results again for 2017. We are delighted to be recognised for our...