
Talk by Brigadier Mallinson

By 06/05/2014 No Comments


Having gained 35 years’ experience in the Army, he retired with the rank of brigadier in 2004 and has become a prolific writer. His latest book, 1914: Fight the Good Fight – Britain, the Army and the Coming of the First World War has been well received and was chosen by Simon Heffer in the New Statesman as one of his books of the year…

In his talk to the girls, staff and parents, Brigadier Mallinson firstly outlined the historical and political background prior to Britain stumbling into war in August 1914.  Being a former serving Army officer, his descriptions of the preparations for war were both detailed and enlightening, enhancing our understanding of the tactical military operations.  However, the recurring questions were: What if Britain had been better prepared? What if those in government had listened to the alternative strategies proposed by the young Winston Churchill? Could this conflict have had another course and outcome? In answering these, together with numerous perceptive questions posed by enthusiastic students, Allan Mallinson certainly gave us an invaluable insight into the historical, political and military background of the First World War, together with a detailed account of the opening weeks and the reasons why the war was not ‘over by Christmas’ as so many believed it would be.  As Winston Churchill said, ‘No part of the Great War compares in interest with its opening’.

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