Anti-Bullying Week: Change Starts with Us
From Monday 11 November to Friday 15 November Heathfield has supported Anti-Bullying week. We have worked with the pupils to identify the small changes that can be made to make big differences to others. Our Heathfield community recognises that it is our collective responsibility to stop bullying. We have embraced several activities to celebrate diversity, difference and looking out for each other, including Odd Socks Day, distributing cookies to local commuters on their way back from work, affirmations to each other and mentoring from the Upper Sixth to the younger pupils in the School.
It has been emphasised to the girls where to find support and for girls to take a stand against being bystanders – not ignoring what they see but acting in the best of interest of themselves and those around them. We spent time addressing the difference between banter and bullying and the key elements of behaviour that will not be tolerated at School: repetitive, intentional hurting of one person to another.
During Anti-Bullying Week we:
• empowered our pupils to celebrate what makes them, and others, unique
• helped pupils understand how important it is that every child feels valued and included in School, able to be themselves, without fear of bullying
• encouraged parents and guardians to work with School and talk to their children about bullying, difference and equality
• enabled teachers and other pupils to celebrate what makes us ‘all different, all equal’ and celebrate difference and equality, encouraging them to take individual and collective action to prevent bullying and create safe environments where children can be themselves.
Mrs Rachel Whitton, Director of Pastoral and Boarding, DSL & Wellbeing Lead