Academic Staff
Art & Textiles
Miss A Farrugia, BA Hons (Reading), PGCE (Reading), Head of Department and Head of House (Seacole)
Miss H Smith, BA Hons (Aberystwyth), PGCE (Bath Spa), Art
Dr J Losq, PhD (UAL / AUB), MA Hons (Courtauld Institute), MA Hons (Cambridge), BA Hons (UAL), PG Dip (Royal Academy of Art), QTS (Reading), MRSS, RI, RWA, Art
Mrs G Kendall, BA Hons (Reading), PGCE (London), D&B Diploma in Credit and Financial Analysis, Head of Department
Dr D Stobart, PhD (Cambridge), PGCE (Utrecht), Head of Department Classics
Mr A Valner, MA (Nottingham), BA (Nottingham), PGCE (London), Latin & Ancient Greek and Assistant Head (Pastoral and Boarding)
Mrs J Nesbit, BA Hons (Cambridge), PGCE (Cambridge), Classical Civilisation & Latin
Computer Science
Dr Rebecca Claesen, Head of Department
Mrs M Blackburn, BEd Hons (Cardiff), Head of Department
Ms J Sherrard-Smith, BSc Hons, (London), PGCE (London), Leiths’s Cookery
Drama and Theatre Studies
Mr G Everard, Director of Drama & Theatre Studies
Mrs H Swain, Teacher of Drama
Economics & Sociology
Mrs J Uppal, BA Hons (Manchester), PGCE (London), Head of Department
Dr S Wragg, PhD (Oxford), MPhil (Cambridge), BA (Providence USA), PGCE (Buckingham), Head of Department
Miss A Messina, BA Hons (Loughborough), PGCE (Sussex), English
Mrs S Southern, BA Hons (Hull), PGCE (York), English
Mrs L Worrall, BSc Hons (Kingston), PGCE (Kingston), Head of Department and Head of Year (Form II)
Dr A Hayward, PhD (Leeds), MSc (Reading), BSc Hons (Aberystwyth), PGCE (Sheffield Hallam), Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of Higher Education Academy
History of Art
Dr L Golden, PhD (East Anglia), MA (East Anglia), Head of Department
History & Politics
Dr C Bradshaw, PhD (St Andrew’s), MA (St Andrew’s), BA Hons (Exeter), PGCE (Gloucester), Head of Department
Mr R Willis, MA Hons (St Andrews), PGCE (Manchester Metropolitan), History & Politics and Head of Sixth Form
Mr R Braganza, MA Hons (Loughborough), PGCE (London), Head of Department
Mr J Doyle, BA (Canberra), Dip. Ed (Canberra), Mathematics
Miss K Johnson, Teaching Cert. (Nottingham), Mathematics
Miss S Obhrai, BSc Hons (Manchester), PGCE (Greenwich), Mathematics
Modern Foreign Languages
Mr F Troublé, MA (Paris), PGCE (London), Bccomm (DUT de Commerce), MFL Co-ordinator
Mrs A Pullen, BA Hons (Cordoba), Head of Department – Spanish
Mrs F Rayner, MA (Strasbourg), PGCE (Oxford Brookes), French & Spanish
Mrs J Dance, BA Hons (Birmingham), PGCE (Birmingham), LRAM, Director of Music
Mrs K Jackson, MA Hons (Cambridge), Music
Miss K White, BA Hons (Oxford Brookes), ABIPP, Head of Department and Head of Year (Form V)
Mrs A Richardson, BA Hons, PGCE (Sunderland)
Physical Education
Miss C Baker, BSc Hons (Birmingham), PGCE (Buckingham), Director of Sport
Miss K Boyce, BSc Hons (Oxford Brookes), PGCE (Reading), PE
Miss E Fish, BA Hons (Bournemouth), PGCE (Buckingham), PE and Head of House (Austen)
Miss H Middleton, BA Hons (Oxford Brookes), PE and Head of House (Somerville)
Miss W Reynolds, BEd Hons (Liverpool), PE and Assistant Head (Co-curricular)
Miss J Talbot, BPhysEd (Otago, NZ), PE and Head of Year (Form III)
Mrs A Valner, BA Hons (Ohio), PE Cover
Mrs G Glimmerveen, Equestrian
Mrs A Diaz, BA Hons (Open), Cert Ed (Cambridge), Head of Department
Mrs H Manton, BSc Hons (Nottingham), PGCE (Greenwich), Head of Department & Flourishing
Religious Studies
Mr J Choppen, BA Hons (Winchester), PGCE (Winchester), Head of Department
Revd E Saville, Chaplain
Mrs U Uzo, BSc Hons (Birmingham), Acting Head of Department & EDI Co-Ordinator, Head of House (de Valois)
Mrs A Ellis, BEd (Bedford), Science and Careers Co-ordinator
Dr J Jones, PhD (Nottingham), MSc (Nottingham), BEng (London),
Miss L Jones, BSc Hons (Hull), PGCE (Hull), Head of Year (Form IV)
Mrs F Lehocky, MSc (London), BSc Hons (London), PGCE (London) Head of Department (Physics)
Miss C Wells, BSc Hons (Bath), PGCE (Exeter) and Assistant Head (Academic & Operations)