
Form I ILP – Marketing Heathfield

By 05/06/2015 No Comments

On the Thursday afternoon the girls had a talk from Mrs Frost, Heathfield’s Marketing Manager, about what Marketing involves and important concepts such as brand recognition and USPs. The girls also explored Marketing as a potential future career choice and what interests and skills such a career choice would involve. The girls listened responsively and asked some very apt questions.

On Friday 5 June the girls were divided into two teams and set the task of devising a marketing campaign for Heathfield. They were firstly given some advice and examples of how to use visual imagery most effectively by Miss White, Teacher in Charge of Photography, and then set to work in their teams to devise their own marketing campaign.

In the space of a day the girls brainstormed ideas, using mind maps to organise their ideas; made short but very effective videos; analysed who their target market might be and created adverts for magazines such as Tatler and Vogue; devised ways to use social media to spread their campaign and worked to a budget. At the end of the day each team made a presentation to a panel of experts, explaining their ideas and showing their videos. The panel was most impressed by the standard of the presentations and particularly picked out the way the girls had taken on board and used the skills they had been taught by Mrs Frost and Miss White.

Form I thoroughly enjoyed their day as “Marketing Managers” and some would certainly consider marketing as a future career – look out Mrs Frost!