Academic Staff
Art & Textiles
Miss A Farrugia, BA Hons (Reading), PGCE (Reading), Head of Department and Head of House (Seacole)
Miss H Smith, BA Hons (Aberystwyth), PGCE (Bath Spa), Art
Dr J Losq, PhD (UAL / AUB), MA Hons (Courtauld Institute), MA Hons (Cambridge), BA Hons (UAL), PG Dip (Royal Academy of Art), QTS (Reading), MRSS, RI, RWA, Art
Mrs G Kendall, BA Hons (Reading), PGCE (London), D&B Diploma in Credit and Financial Analysis, Head of Department
Dr D Stobart, PhD (Cambridge), PGCE (Utrecht), Head of Department Classics
Mr A Valner, MA (Nottingham), BA (Nottingham), PGCE (London), Latin & Ancient Greek and Assistant Head (Pastoral and Boarding)
Mrs J Nesbit, BA Hons (Cambridge), PGCE (Cambridge), Classical Civilisation & Latin
Dr Jane Rebecca Claesen, BSC (Eng ACGI Computer Science, MSc Engineering and Physical Sciences in medicine and DIC and PhD DIC, Electrical Engineering at Imperial College and University of London, Head of Computing
Mrs M Blackburn, BEd Hons (Cardiff), Head of Department
Ms J Sherrard-Smith, BSc Hons, (London), PGCE (London), Leiths’s Cookery
Drama and Theatre Studies
Mr G Everard, Director of Drama & Theatre Studies
Mrs H Swain, Teacher of Drama
Economics & Sociology
Mrs J Uppal, BA Hons (Manchester), PGCE (London), Head of Department
Dr S Wragg, PhD (Oxford), MPhil (Cambridge), BA (Providence USA), PGCE (Buckingham), Head of Department
Miss A Messina, BA Hons (Loughborough), PGCE (Sussex), English
Mrs S Southern, BA Hons (Hull), PGCE (York), English
Mrs L Worrall, BSc Hons (Kingston), PGCE (Kingston), Head of Department and Head of Year (Form II)
Dr A Hayward, PhD (Leeds), MSc (Reading), BSc Hons (Aberystwyth), PGCE (Sheffield Hallam), Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of Higher Education Academy
History of Art
Dr L Golden, PhD (East Anglia), MA (East Anglia), Head of Department
History & Politics
Dr C Bradshaw, PhD (St Andrew’s), MA (St Andrew’s), BA Hons (Exeter), PGCE (Gloucester), Head of Department
Mr R Willis, MA Hons (St Andrews), PGCE (Manchester Metropolitan), History & Politics and Head of Sixth Form
Mr R Braganza, MA Hons (Loughborough), PGCE (London), Head of Department
Mr J Doyle, BA (Canberra), Dip. Ed (Canberra), Mathematics
Miss K Johnson, Teaching Cert. (Nottingham), Mathematics
Miss S Obhrai, BSc Hons (Manchester), PGCE (Greenwich), Mathematics
Modern Foreign Languages
Mr F Troublé, MA (Paris), PGCE (London), Bccomm (DUT de Commerce), MFL Co-ordinator
Mrs A Pullen, BA Hons (Cordoba), Head of Department – Spanish
Mrs F Rayner, MA (Strasbourg), PGCE (Oxford Brookes), French & Spanish
Mrs J Dance, BA Hons (Birmingham), PGCE (Birmingham), LRAM, Director of Music
Mrs K Jackson, MA Hons (Cambridge), Music
Miss K White, BA Hons (Oxford Brookes), ABIPP, Head of Department and Head of Year (Form V)
Mrs A Richardson, BA Hons, PGCE (Sunderland)
Physical Education
Miss C Baker, BSc Hons (Birmingham), PGCE (Buckingham), Director of Sport
Mrs K McIntyre, BSc Hons (Oxford Brookes), PGCE (Reading), PE
Miss E Fish, BA Hons (Bournemouth), PGCE (Buckingham), PE and Head of House (Austen)
Miss H Middleton, BA Hons (Oxford Brookes), PE and Head of House (Somerville)
Miss W Reynolds, BEd Hons (Liverpool), PE and Assistant Head (Co-curricular)
Miss J Talbot, BPhysEd (Otago, NZ), PE and Head of Year (Form III)
Mrs A Valner, BA Hons (Ohio), PE Cover
Mrs G Glimmerveen, Equestrian
Mrs A Diaz, BA Hons (Open), Cert Ed (Cambridge), Head of Department
Mrs H Manton, BSc Hons (Nottingham), PGCE (Greenwich), Head of Department & Flourishing
Religious Studies
Mr J Choppen, BA Hons (Winchester), PGCE (Winchester), Head of Department
Revd E Saville, Chaplain
Mrs U Uzo, BSc Hons (Birmingham), Acting Head of Department & EDI Co-Ordinator, Head of House (de Valois)
Mrs A Ellis, BEd (Bedford), Science and Careers Co-ordinator
Dr J Jones, PhD (Nottingham), MSc (Nottingham), BEng (London),
Miss L Jones, BSc Hons (Hull), PGCE (Hull), Head of Year (Form IV)
Mrs F Lehocky, MSc (London), BSc Hons (London), PGCE (London) Head of Department (Physics)
Miss C Wells, BSc Hons (Bath), PGCE (Exeter) and Assistant Head (Academic & Operations)