
Somerville Weekend, 22nd and 23rd March 2014

By 23/03/2014 No Comments

Somerville Weekend, Busy, Action Packed, Cooking, Activities, DoEIn addition girls took part in English revision sessions with Mr Pithers whilst the GCSE Art students spent the day with Mrs Leibovici preparing for their GCSE Art examination which is due to take place before the end of term. Whilst the upper school were busy revising, Form IV Duke of Edinburgh girls took part in their expedition and during the weekend covered more than 30km, arriving back on Sunday tired and sore but proud of the challenges they had overcome. On Saturday afternoon Forms I and II took part in a walk around Englemere Pond, Form IV took a trip to the cinema and in the evening the House Captains ran a whole school Easter Egg hunt.

Sunday started with Chapel before Forms I and II planted up fifty pots of herbs and small plants. In the afternoon Form III walked to Martins Heron via Lily Hill Park with Alison and Mrs Meeson. The GCSE Religious Studies girls attended revision sessions with Miss Sass and Forms I and II with girls from Forms III and IV went to the New Victoria Theatre in Woking to watch the Moscow State Circus.


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