
Hinduism Day

By 27/03/2014 No Comments

At break Miss Sass delivered Indian sweets to everyone whilst Bollywood music played throughout the Assembly Hall. The Form III girls were then quizzed on what they had learnt in the morning and the winning team won their very own set of Indian bangles. A delicious authentic Indian meal was served by the catering team at lunch and every girl in the school was given a Bindi to wear. Indian Festival facts could be found on the dining tables along with candles reminiscent of Diwali, the Festival of Lights. In the afternoon the Form III girls participated in a Heathfield Holi Festival. Holi is a Festival of Colours and represents good overcoming evil. Dressed in white t-shirts and swimming costumes the girls gathered on the top field to throw coloured powder paint and water bombs at each other. Lots of fun was had by all!

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