
Science Week

By 28/03/2014 No Comments

Heathfield School Ascot, All Girls, Full Boarding, Science, Science WeekVarious different ideas were tried out using DVD cases, putty and cotton wool, but in the end Austen won with their Pringle suspended in a reel of sellotape. It was also encouraging to see staff taking part in their own competition in which they had to fund their own postage, which saw the winner Madame Lanshear investing £12 into winning the bottle of wine, with Miss Kong being thwarted by being 9p underpaid on her postage!

In Science Week itself the usual high octane demonstrations and activities happened each lunchtime in the Assembly Hall. Monday saw Dr Harden displaying a hydrogen powered car and the power of robotics whilst being accompanied by the usual loud bangs. Tuesday saw the launch of two hot air balloons with Mrs Kemp and Miss Fagan. The rain sadly meant the initial launch was inside but as it dried up it was moved to the courtyard. On Wednesday we saw dry ice made from just a fire extinguisher and bed sheet. It was then used to change pH and create very effective Eppendorf bangers. Thursday saw the students being given an opportunity to enhance their skills, with mirror writing, drawing in the dark, trampette writing, investigating the wonders of the Mobius strip and investigating the density of coloured solutions. Prizes were awarded to the best staff and students in each category, but special mention must go to Sophia (Form I) and Ella (Form III) for their enthusiasm and effort. Finally the week ended with an Assembly of opening Pringle parcels and House Captains lighting hydrogen filled cans with Seacole’s being the most effective. The week drew to a close with an ice cream party – liquid nitrogen style, this unsurprisingly was the best supported event as a result of the promise of free vanilla ice cream.

Thanks must go to the Science Department for their support but particularly to Mrs Milner as solo technician for the week and our temporary ‘technician for a day’ Janet (UVI Form).