
Heathfield’s Chick Project

By 01/05/2015 No Comments

Two cute little chicks had already been born and our whole year were hoping they would all hatch. We guessed right. By the next Monday all the chicks had been born and we were lucky enough to see a birth, when the chick hatched. It wasn’t very cute but within a couple of hours the fur had grown and it was very cute.

Miss Wells had set Form I a rota every morning and two of us would come in and clean the chicks’ little enclosure and if we didn’t have a science lesson that day we would weigh them.

Form I were allowed to name one chick and we named her Chicka. At the end of the science lessons sometimes we were allowed to take the chicks outside. They had a little cardboard pen so we brought them outside and let them roam around on the grass.

Then on Friday 1 May it was the chicks’ last day at Heathfield and we took them out for the last time and they had grown a lot and liked jumping around especially Chicka. We said our goodbyes and they were whisked away from us at lunchtime.

I really enjoyed the experience of looking after them and hopefully we can do it again soon.

Alannah, Form I Pupil