
Eco-Schools Update

By 26/01/2015 No Comments

Over the coming weeks the girls will be around school and the Heathfield grounds updating our Eco-Schools Environmental review and delivering a whole-school Assembly on their plans and vision for all things Eco over the next 12 months as the whole school works its way towards our application for Eco Schools Green Flag status.

The Eco Committee will shortly be unveiling their plea for unwanted girls’ clothing donations to students, parents and staff. The donated clothing will be sold at an afterschool sale with all profits contributed to a charity nominated by the committee. Any remaining clothing will be collected by the ‘Phil’ the Bag recycling scheme who reuse on both a local and global scale and provide clothing for people in developing countries.

The Heathfield Eco Committee is eager to promote activities which embrace the Three Rs of the environment: REDUCE-REUSE-RECYCLE and want to ensure that this message is heard in all areas of school and boarding life at Heathfield.