
Form II Independent Learning Project

By 20/06/2014 No Comments

Form II ILP The girls looked at a variety of plant adaptations and enjoyed spending time in Wisley’s glasshouse which covers an area equal in size to 10 tennis courts and has three climatic zones, recreating tropical, moist temperate and dry temperate habitats. Working in groups the girls then had two days to choose a focus on the theme, carry out in-depth research and prepare a presentation to deliver to a panel of judges in the St. Mary’s Theatre. All the girls demonstrated creativity and originality and the presentations included looking at the role of culture, conflict, love and evolution in life. The winning video was created by Darcey, Victoria and Lucia which explored The Purpose of Life and the overall winners were Lily, Grace and Blanca for their look at the senses and what life would be like without the gift of sight, smell, touch and taste. Many thanks go to the mentors Mr Harden, Mr Johnson, Miss Sass, Mrs Oakley and Mrs Benjamin for all of their support and guidance. Congratulations to all the girls involved – the standard was exceptionally high this year and the judges really struggled to make their final decision.