
LVI History Trip to Hampton Court

By 23/06/2014 No Comments

LVI History TripThe first stop on the tour was Henry VIII’s Apartments, where the girls were able to learn about life at the Tudor Court.  They then visited the Chapel and Haunted Gallery, and found out more about the fate of Henry’s fifth wife, Catherine Howard.  A visit to the Tudor kitchens revealed more about the life of less famous inhabitants and the eating habits of the Tudors.  The morning concluded by taking in the “Young Henry VIII’s Story” exhibition which charted the changing relationship between Henry, Catherine of Aragon and Cardinal Wolsey.  In the afternoon, we explored the later areas of the Palace, viewing the apartments of William III and visiting a new exhibition on the Georgians.  The day was a great success.  The girls returned to school enthused by the trip and excited to learn more about the period.

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