
Form V into Sixth Form at Heathfield Talk

By 27/01/2014 No Comments

Girls were also reminded of the influence good GCSE grades have on university and job applications, particularly the core subjects and languages. Selecting A Levels is no mean feat, especially when university applications are increasingly competitive. But we are offering the Extended Project Qualification for this cohort, which should stand them favourably amongst other university applicants. This qualification is widely recognised and respected by the Russell Group universities.

Girls and their parents also learned of the Scholarship programme including the application process and deadline dates. And of course, Heathfield is renowned for its excellent pastoral care provision, and that extends to the Sixth Form. The pastoral side of our Sixth Form includes providing all girls with leadership opportunities, work experience programmes, Higher Education talks and UCAS preparation, including SATs for the American universities.

There is a lot for these girls to consider: are A Levels for me? What prefect position should I apply for? Should I go to university, or go straight into work? Where do I want to go?