Heathfield now has a new Sports Website for fixtures and teams. Please visit the website by clicking the button below.
Sports Fixtures Information
Benenden: www.benenden.kent.sch.uk
Bradfield: www.bradfieldschool.net
Charters: www.chartersschool.org.uk
Downe House: www.downehouse.net
Godstowe: www.godstowe.org
Guildford High: www.guildfordhigh.surrey.sch.uk
LVS: www.lvs.ascot.sch.uk
Marist: www.themaristschools.com
Newlands: www.newlandsgirlsschool.co.uk
Putney High: www.putneyhigh.gdst.net
Queen Anne’s: www.qas.org.uk
St. Bart’s: www.stbarts.co.uk
St. George’s, Ascot: www.stgeorges-ascot.org.uk
St. Mary’s, Ascot: www.st-marys-ascot.co.uk
St. Mary’s, Calne: www.stmaryscalne.org
St. Swithun’s: www.stswithuns.com
Surrey Sports Park: www.surreysportspark.co.uk
Thames Valley Athletics Track: www.deleisure.com
The Royal School: www.royal-school.org
Wellington College: www.wellingtoncollege.org.uk
Wycombe Abbey: www.wycombeabbey.com
Emergency Contact
For emergencies, please call the member of staff in charge of the fixture on the school mobile phone 07541 472028.